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Potential Members

Become A Member

We appreciate your interest in Upsilon Kappa Delta. We hope that what you have read and seen throughout our website strengthened your desire to become a member of our sorority. Membership in Upsilon Kappa Delta can be achieved in two ways.

The first way you can seek membership into our sorority is by joining an existing chapter at your university. The process is called The Potential New Member Process. If you are interested, please check to see if there is already a chapter at your university. The second way to become a member is to charter a new chapter if your university does not currently have a chapter of Upsilon Kappa Delta. This process is called The Charter Process. 


General New Member Requirements

  • Full-Time undergraduate.

  • Minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75. Rounding of grade point average is not accepted.

  • Not be a current or former member of a non-academic, non-professional or non-honorary sorority.

Benefits of Joining

  • Community of academic excellence

  • Leadership development:

    • Civic/service engagement

    • Organizational and administrative skills

    • Culturally competent leadership

    • Relationships with University officials and other student organizations

  • Professional development:

    • Membership in a network of strong and diverse women

    • Connecting to internship and fellowship opportunities

    • Interview, resume, and presentation development skills

  • A family away from home

Potential Members: Recruitment
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